Companies listed on Nasdaq Helsinki
Companies below are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. For viewing other markets or segments, please use the links in the right column.
Companies below are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. For viewing other markets or segments, please use the links in the right column.
Name | Symbol | Currency | ISIN | Sector | ICB Code | Fact Sheet |
Cargotec Oyj | CGCBV | EUR | FI4000571013 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Citycon Oyj | CTY1S | EUR | FI4000369947 | Real Estate | 3510 | |
Elisa Oyj | ELISA | EUR | FI0009007884 | Telecommunications | 1510 | |
Fortum Oyj | FORTUM | EUR | FI0009007132 | Utilities | 6510 | |
Fiskars Oyj Abp | FSKRS | EUR | FI0009000400 | Consumer Services | 4020 | |
Huhtamäki Oyj | HUH1V | EUR | FI0009000459 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Kalmar Oyj B | KALMAR | EUR | FI4000571054 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Konecranes Oyj | KCR | EUR | FI0009005870 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Kemira Oyj | KEMIRA | EUR | FI0009004824 | Basic Materials | 5520 | |
Kempower Oyj | KEMPOWR | EUR | FI4000513593 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Kesko Oyj A | KESKOA | EUR | FI0009007900 | Consumer Goods | 4520 | |
Kesko Oyj B | KESKOB | EUR | FI0009000202 | Consumer Goods | 4520 | |
KONE Oyj | KNEBV | EUR | FI0009013403 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Kojamo Oyj | KOJAMO | EUR | FI4000312251 | Real Estate | 3510 | |
Mandatum | MANTA | EUR | FI4000552526 | Financials | 3020 | |
Metsä Board Oyj A | METSA | EUR | FI0009000640 | Basic Materials | 5510 | |
Metsä Board Oyj B | METSB | EUR | FI0009000665 | Basic Materials | 5510 | |
Metso Oyj | METSO | EUR | FI0009014575 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Nordea Bank Abp | NDA FI | EUR | FI4000297767 | Financials | 3010 | |
Neste Oyj | NESTE | EUR | FI0009013296 | Energy | 6010 | |
Nokia Oyj | NOKIA | EUR | FI0009000681 | Telecommunications | 1510 | |
Orion Oyj A | ORNAV | EUR | FI0009014369 | Health Care | 2010 | |
Orion Oyj B | ORNBV | EUR | FI0009014377 | Health Care | 2010 | |
Outokumpu Oyj | OUT1V | EUR | FI0009002422 | Basic Materials | 5510 | |
Qt Group Oyj | QTCOM | EUR | FI4000198031 | Technology | 1010 | |
Revenio Group Oyj | REG1V | EUR | FI0009010912 | Health Care | 2010 | |
Sampo Oyj A | SAMPO | EUR | FI4000552500 | Financials | 3030 | |
Sanoma Oyj | SANOMA | EUR | FI0009007694 | Consumer Services | 4030 | |
SSAB A | SSABAH | EUR | SE0000171100 | Basic Materials | 5510 | |
SSAB B | SSABBH | EUR | SE0000120669 | Basic Materials | 5510 | |
Stora Enso Oyj A | STEAV | EUR | FI0009005953 | Basic Materials | 5510 | |
Stora Enso Oyj R | STERV | EUR | FI0009005961 | Basic Materials | 5510 | |
Telia Company | TELIA1 | EUR | SE0000667925 | Telecommunications | 1510 | |
TietoEVRY Oyj | TIETO | EUR | FI0009000277 | Technology | 1010 | |
Nokian Renkaat Oyj | TYRES | EUR | FI0009005318 | Consumer Services | 4010 | |
UPM-Kymmene Oyj | UPM | EUR | FI0009005987 | Basic Materials | 5510 | |
Vaisala Oyj A | VAIAS | EUR | FI0009900682 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Valmet Oyj | VALMT | EUR | FI4000074984 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Wärtsilä Oyj Abp | WRT1V | EUR | FI0009003727 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Aktia Bank Abp | AKTIA | EUR | FI4000058870 | Financials | 3010 | |
Ålandsbanken Abp A | ALBAV | EUR | FI0009000103 | Financials | 3010 | |
Ålandsbanken Abp B | ALBBV | EUR | FI0009001127 | Financials | 3010 | |
Alma Media Oyj | ALMA | EUR | FI0009013114 | Consumer Services | 4030 | |
Anora Group Oyj | ANORA | EUR | FI4000292438 | Consumer Goods | 4510 | |
Aspo Oyj | ASPO | EUR | FI0009008072 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Atria Oyj A | ATRAV | EUR | FI0009006548 | Consumer Goods | 4510 | |
Bittium Oyj | BITTI | EUR | FI0009007264 | Technology | 1010 | |
CapMan Oyj | CAPMAN | EUR | FI0009009377 | Financials | 3020 | |
Digia Oyj | DIGIA | EUR | FI0009007983 | Technology | 1010 | |
Enento Group Oyj | ENENTO | EUR | FI4000123195 | Financials | 3020 | |
eQ Oyj | EQV1V | EUR | FI0009009617 | Financials | 3020 | |
Etteplan Oyj | ETTE | EUR | FI0009008650 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Evli Oyj | EVLI | EUR | FI4000513437 | Financials | 3020 | |
Finnair Oyj | FIA1S | EUR | FI4000567029 | Consumer Services | 4050 | |
F-Secure Oyj | FSECURE | EUR | FI4000519236 | Technology | 1010 | |
Gofore Oyj | GOFORE | EUR | FI4000283130 | Technology | 1010 | |
Harvia Oyj | HARVIA | EUR | FI4000306873 | Consumer Services | 4020 | |
Incap Oyj | ICP1V | EUR | FI0009006407 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Kamux Oyj | KAMUX | EUR | FI4000206750 | Consumer Services | 4040 | |
Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj | LAT1V | EUR | FI0009010854 | Utilities | 6510 | |
Lindex Group Oyj | LINDEX | EUR | FI0009000251 | Consumer Services | 4040 | |
Marimekko Oyj | MEKKO | EUR | FI0009007660 | Consumer Services | 4020 | |
Musti Group Oyj | MUSTI | EUR | FI4000410758 | Consumer Services | 4040 | |
NoHo Partners Oyj | NOHO | EUR | FI4000064332 | Consumer Services | 4050 | |
Oriola Oyj A | OKDAV | EUR | FI0009014344 | Health Care | 2010 | |
Oriola Oyj B | OKDBV | EUR | FI0009014351 | Health Care | 2010 | |
Olvi Oyj A | OLVAS | EUR | FI0009900401 | Consumer Goods | 4510 | |
Oma Säästöpankki Oyj | OMASP | EUR | FI4000306733 | Financials | 3010 | |
Pihlajalinna Oyj | PIHLIS | EUR | FI4000092556 | Health Care | 2010 | |
Ponsse Oyj 1 | PON1V | EUR | FI0009005078 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Purmo Group Oyj C | PURMO | EUR | FI4000507488 | Industrials | 5010 | |
Puuilo Oyj | PUUILO | EUR | FI4000507124 | Consumer Services | 4040 | |
Raisio Oyj Vaihto-osake | RAIVV | EUR | FI0009002943 | Consumer Goods | 4510 | |
Rapala VMC Oyj | RAP1V | EUR | FI0009007355 | Consumer Services | 4020 | |
Relais Group Oyj | RELAIS | EUR | FI4000391487 | Consumer Services | 4010 | |
Remedy Entertainment Oyj | REMEDY | EUR | FI4000251897 | Consumer Services | 4020 | |
Scanfil Oyj | SCANFL | EUR | FI4000029905 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Sitowise Group Oyj | SITOWS | EUR | FI4000480215 | Industrials | 5010 | |
Suominen Oyj | SUY1V | EUR | FI0009010862 | Consumer Goods | 4520 | |
Taaleri Oyj | TAALA | EUR | FI4000062195 | Financials | 3010 | |
AS Tallink Grupp FDR | TALLINK | EUR | FI4000349378 | Consumer Services | 4050 | |
Tecnotree Oyj | TEM1V | EUR | FI4000570890 | Technology | 1010 | |
Talenom Oyj | TNOM | EUR | FI4000153580 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Tokmanni Group Oyj | TOKMAN | EUR | FI4000197934 | Consumer Services | 4040 | |
Terveystalo Oyj | TTALO | EUR | FI4000252127 | Health Care | 2010 | |
Viking Line Abp | VIK1V | EUR | FI0009005250 | Consumer Services | 4050 | |
WithSecure Oyj | WITH | EUR | FI4000519228 | Technology | 1010 | |
YIT Oyj | YIT | EUR | FI0009800643 | Industrials | 5010 | |
Aspocomp Group Oyj | ACG1V | EUR | FI0009008080 | Technology | 1010 | |
Afarak Group | AFAGR | EUR | FI0009800098 | Basic Materials | 5510 | |
Alisa Pankki Oyj | ALISA | EUR | FI4000170915 | Financials | 3010 | |
Apetit Oyj | APETIT | EUR | FI0009003503 | Consumer Goods | 4510 | |
Biohit Oyj B | BIOBV | EUR | FI0009005482 | Health Care | 2010 | |
Boreo Oyj | BOREO | EUR | FI0009900724 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Consti Oyj | CONSTI | EUR | FI4000178256 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Componenta Oyj | CTH1V | EUR | FI4000476783 | Basic Materials | 5510 | |
Digitalist Group Oyj | DIGIGR | EUR | FI0009008007 | Technology | 1010 | |
Dovre Group Oyj | DOV1V | EUR | FI0009008098 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Eezy Oyj | EEZY | EUR | FI4000322326 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Elecster Oyj A | ELEAV | EUR | FI0009900658 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Enersense International Oyj | ESENSE | EUR | FI4000301585 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Exel Composites Oyj | EXL1V | EUR | FI0009007306 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Glaston Oyj Abp | GLA1V | EUR | FI4000369657 | Industrials | 5010 | |
HKFoods Oyj A | HKFOODS | EUR | FI0009006308 | Consumer Goods | 4510 | |
Honkarakenne Oyj B | HONBS | EUR | FI0009900104 | Consumer Services | 4020 | |
Innofactor Plc | IFA1V | EUR | FI0009007637 | Technology | 1010 | |
Ilkka Oyj 2 | ILKKA2 | EUR | FI0009800205 | Consumer Services | 4030 | |
Investors House Oyj | INVEST | EUR | FI0009900559 | Real Estate | 3510 | |
Kesla Oyj A | KELAS | EUR | FI0009900237 | Industrials | 5020 | |
KH Group Oyj | KHG | EUR | FI0009008924 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Koskisen Oyj | KOSKI | EUR | FI4000533005 | Basic Materials | 5510 | |
Kreate Group Oyj | KREATE | EUR | FI4000476866 | Industrials | 5010 | |
Keskisuomalainen Oyj | KSL | EUR | FI0009007546 | Consumer Services | 4030 | |
Lamor Corporation Oyj | LAMOR | EUR | FI4000512488 | Utilities | 6510 | |
Lehto Group Oyj | LEHTO | EUR | FI4000081138 | Industrials | 5010 | |
Martela Oyj A | MARAS | EUR | FI0009900385 | Consumer Services | 4020 | |
Nurminen Logistics Oyj | NLG1V | EUR | FI0009900187 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Optomed Oyj | OPTOMED | EUR | FI4000410881 | Health Care | 2010 | |
Orthex Oyj | ORTHEX | EUR | FI4000480504 | Consumer Services | 4020 | |
Ovaro Kiinteistösijoitus Oyj | OVARO | EUR | FI4000349113 | Real Estate | 3510 | |
Endomines Finland Oyj | PAMPALO | EUR | FI4000508023 | Basic Materials | 5510 | |
Panostaja Oyj | PNA1V | EUR | FI0009800379 | Financials | 3020 | |
QPR Software Oyj | QPR1V | EUR | FI0009008668 | Technology | 1010 | |
Raute Oyj | RAUTE | EUR | FI0009004741 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Rebl Group Oyj | REBL | EUR | FI0009900468 | Consumer Services | 4030 | |
Reka Industrial Oyj | REKA | EUR | FI0009800296 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Robit Oyj | ROBIT | EUR | FI4000150016 | Industrials | 5020 | |
Saga Furs Oyj C | SAGCV | EUR | FI0009800551 | Consumer Services | 4020 | |
Siili Solutions Oyj | SIILI | EUR | FI4000043435 | Technology | 1010 | |
Solteq Oyj | SOLTEQ | EUR | FI0009007991 | Technology | 1010 | |
Sotkamo Silver AB | SOSI1 | EUR | SE0001057910 | Basic Materials | 5510 | |
SRV Yhtiöt Oyj | SRV1V | EUR | FI4000523675 | Industrials | 5010 | |
SSH Communications Security | SSH1V | EUR | FI0009008270 | Technology | 1010 | |
Teleste Oyj | TLT1V | EUR | FI0009007728 | Telecommunications | 1510 | |
Trainers´ House Oyj | TRH1V | EUR | FI4000519202 | Technology | 1010 | |
Tulikivi Oyj A | TULAV | EUR | FI0009900583 | Industrials | 5010 | |
United Bankers Oyj | UNITED | EUR | FI4000081427 | Financials | 3020 | |
Valoe Oyj | VALOE | EUR | FI4000561576 | Industrials | 5020 | | Oyj | VERK | EUR | FI4000049812 | Consumer Services | 4040 | |
Wetteri Oyj | WETTERI | EUR | FI0009012793 | Consumer Services | 4040 | |
Wulff-Yhtiöt Oyj | WUF1V | EUR | FI0009008452 | Industrials | 5020 |