
NASDAQ OMX (NASDAQ:NDAQ) announced that the shares of Sjova-Almennar tryggingar hf, (Sjova), a Small Cap company within the Financial sector, today began trading on the Main Market of NASDAQ OMX Iceland. Sjova is the seventh company to be listed on NASDAQ OMX’s Nordic main markets in 2014 (NASDAQ OMX Stockholm; Helsinki; Copenhagen and Iceland), and the first one on NASDAQ OMX Iceland this year. Sjova will trade under the ticker symbol SJOVA.


Sjova is an Icelandic insurance company with comprehensive operations in Iceland in the field of non-life and life insurance. The company is the largest in the field of life insurance in Iceland and the second largest in non-life insurance, providing insurance coverage to individuals and legal entities alike. The company operates 12 branches around the country and employs around 200 people. Sjova strives to be known as a fair, professional and progressive service company.


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Pall Hardarson, CEO of NASDAQ OMX Iceland and Hermann Björnsson, CEO of Sjova sign the listing contract.


Guests at the listing ceremony.


Hermann Björnsson, CEO of Sjova tolls the bell.


Pall Hardarson presents Hermann with a memoribilia for the listing day.