
December 19, 2014

Nasdaq (Nasdaq: NDAQ) announces that the trading in PowerCell Sweden AB’s shares (shortname: PCELL) commenced today on First North at Nasdaq Stockholm. PowerCell belongs to the Industrials sector and is the 48th company to be admitted to trading on First North’s Nordic markets (Stockholm, Helsinki, Copenhagen and Iceland) in 2014.

PowerCell Sweden AB is a spinout from the Volvo Group with the objective to develop and produce environmentally friendly power systems based on a unique fuel cell and reformer technology. PowerCell has developed fuel cell technology for more than a decade, and has perfected a unique design that enables the production of a lightweight, versatile and reliable power source for automotive, transport and stationary applications. For more information, please visit www.powercell.se.

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Magnus Henell, CEO at PowerCell is welcomed to the First North market by Marie Parck, Nasdaq.










Magnus Henell tolls the opening bell together with Mikael Fjällström from Energimyndigheten/Swedish Energy Agency.









Bell ringing is popular, from the left Magnus Henell, CEO,  Per Ekdunge, Vice President & CTO and Per Wassén Chairman at PowerCell.









The PowerCell team with advisers and representatives from Nasdaq.